Some Friends You Keep Forever


When I first saw this picture, it made me laugh.  I admit, I am the pervy one when it comes to my friends.  I am an eclectic mix of friends, ranging from former drug dealers turned respectable citizens of the earth, to law enforcement employees.  From the militantly heterosexual and borderline homophobic to the gender-bending individuals who help me when I need advice on clothes.

Some people I don’t talk to but once a year at the most.  Others I talk to on a weekly basis.  I don’t talk to any friend on a daily basis unless there is a crisis and it’s warranted.  I just don’t have that kind of time.

With the right friends, you feel like you really never grew up, even if you have doubled your weight, and multiple kids apiece, and watch said kids like a hawk to ensure they don’t do the same things you did as a misguided youth.  One afternoon with those friends and you magically become young and carefree again.

I’d love to say that I’m the adult I thought I’d be when I was 13-15.  However, I’m not.  I made choices that, while they worked for me at the time, they probably weren’t the “right” choices.  Where would I be if I had made the right choices?  It doesn’t matter.  There is no point in worrying about the what-could-have-beens in your life when you’ve got a perfectly good life in front of you.
However, for that shining period of time when you’re with your friends, you can relive the feeling of hope, of a future adult you, and simply enjoy the moment.

Just like we did as kids.

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